Court throws out pro-density law SB9

By Braden Cartwright :Padailypost – excerpt

Cities that are against state housing mandates have won their lawsuit against the state of California that challenged a controversial law allowing four homes on properties where only
one home had been allowed before. The ruling means that Senate Bill 9 has been invalidated in charter cities, including Palo Alto, according to the lawyer who won the lawsuit.

“This is a monumental victory for all charter cities in California,” said attorney Pam Lee, who represented five Southern California cities against the state and Attorney General Rob Bonta.

Charter cities have their own local constitution, or charter. California has 121 charter cities, including Palo Alto,
San Mateo, Redwood City and Mountain View… (more)

Now that LA took the lead, how many other cities will follow. San Francisco has the Senator who is doing the most damage. Depending on who wins the next mayoral election, they could oust the Senator and/or join the fight against the stat power grab. Stay tuned.