2024 Bills

Senator Scott continue to attack SF and our Coastline. So far he introduced SB1227 to exempt downtown projects CEQA. and now

Scott is also going after the California Coastal Commission’s  jurisdiction over what is left of a small strip of San Francisco’s Pacific coastline with another gem SB 951.  Mayor Breed is a sponsor of this bill.  The Coastal Commission and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors took immediate action to stop the bill that many feel threatens the entire Pacific Coast with unlimited development. Please let everyone know about it and AB 2560.

You may want to send letters as well.


Thanks for taking a stand against the continued barrage of bills, threats, and actions aimed against the City and County of San Francisco, our residents and businesses.

We cannot stand silently by any longer while our state representatives override our rights. We cannot lose any more than we already have.

The hubris of the Sacramento politicians is astounding. After forcing demolition and conversion of affordable housing into office market rate properties, that pushed people onto the sidewalk, the state is blaming us for following their orders. We are being chastised for their mistakes. They bet on the wrong future and now they want us to pay their bills.

They preached density instead of stability. Break it so we can build back better. They managed to break it but can’t put it back together much less make it better than it was.

By opposing SB 951 the Board of Supervisors is painting a line in the sand, literally. The Sunset sits on sand. We will defend this sand by opposing SB 951 and perhaps other arrows being tossed our way this year. We need an end to the state overreach. We notice a couple of new gems Wiener has aimed at us since we took this one on.

Many thanks for your efforts to protect San Francisco’s coastline and the coastline for all of California.


Mari Eliza, concerned citizen